Order Module

The order module contains functions which deal with the order of the system

Bond Order

class freud.order.BondOrder(rmax, k, n, nBinsT, nBinsP)

Compute the bond order diagram for the system of particles.

Available Modues of Calculation: * If mode=bod (Bond Order Diagram): Create the 2D histogram containing the number of bonds formed through the surface of a unit sphere based on the azimuthal (Theta) and polar (Phi) angles. This is the default.

  • If mode=lbod (Local Bond Order Diagram): Create the 2D histogram containing the number of bonds formed, rotated into the local orientation of the central particle, through the surface of a unit sphere based on the azimuthal \(\left( \theta \right)\) and polar \(\left( \phi \right)\) angles.
  • If mode=obcd (Orientation Bond Correlation Diagram): Create the 2D histogram containing the number of bonds formed, rotated by the rotation that takes the orientation of neighboring particle j to the orientation of each particle i, through the surface of a unit sphere based on the azimuthal \(\left( \theta \right)\) and polar \(\left( \phi \right)\) angles.
  • If mode=oocd (Orientation Orientation Correlation Diagram): Create the 2D histogram containing the directors of neighboring particles (\(\hat{z}\) rotated by their quaternion), rotated into the local orientation of the central particle, through the surface of a unit sphere based on the azimuthal \(\left( \theta \right)\) and polar \(\left( \phi \right)\) angles.

Module author: Erin Teich <erteich@umich.edu>

  • r_max (float) – distance over which to calculate
  • k (unsigned int) – order parameter i. to be removed
  • n (unsigned int) – number of neighbors to find
  • n_bins_t (unsigned int) – number of theta bins
  • n_bins_p (unsigned int) – number of phi bins
accumulate(self, box, ref_points, ref_orientations, points, orientations, str mode='bod', nlist=None)

Calculates the correlation function and adds to the current histogram.

  • box (freud.box.Box) – simulation box
  • ref_points (numpy.ndarray, shape=(\(N_{particles}\), 3), dtype= numpy.float32) – reference points to calculate the local density
  • ref_orientations (numpy.ndarray, shape=(\(N_{particles}\), 4), dtype= numpy.float32) – orientations to use in computation
  • points (numpy.ndarray, shape=(\(N_{particles}\), 3), dtype= numpy.float32) – points to calculate the local density
  • orientations (numpy.ndarray, shape=(\(N_{particles}\), 4), dtype= numpy.float32) – orientations to use in computation
  • mode (str) – mode to calc bond order. “bod”, “lbod”, “obcd”, and “oocd”
  • nlist (freud.locality.NeighborList) – freud.locality.NeighborList object to use to find bonds

return – bond order :rtype: numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{\phi}, N_{\theta} \right)\), dtype= numpy.float32


Get the box used in the calculation

Returns:freud Box
Return type:freud.box.Box
compute(self, box, ref_points, ref_orientations, points, orientations, str mode='bod', nlist=None)

Calculates the bond order histogram. Will overwrite the current histogram.

  • box (freud.box.Box) – simulation box
  • ref_points (numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}, 3 \right)\), dtype= numpy.float32) – reference points to calculate the local density
  • ref_orientations (numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}, 4 \right)\), dtype= numpy.float32) – orientations to use in computation
  • points (numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}, 3 \right)\), dtype= numpy.float32) – points to calculate the local density
  • orientations (numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}, 4 \right)\), dtype= numpy.float32) – orientations to use in computation
  • mode (str) – mode to calc bond order. “bod”, “lbod”, “obcd”, and “oocd”
  • nlist (freud.locality.NeighborList) – freud.locality.NeighborList object to use to find bonds
Returns:bond order
Return type:numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{\phi}, N_{\theta} \right)\), dtype= numpy.float32

Get the box used in the calculation

Returns:freud Box
Return type:freud.box.Box

Get the number of bins in the Phi-dimension of histogram

Return type:unsigned int

Get the number of bins in the Theta-dimension of histogram

Return type:unsigned int
Returns:values of bin centers for Phi
Return type:numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{\phi} \right)\), dtype= numpy.float32
Returns:values of bin centers for Theta
Return type:numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{\theta} \right)\), dtype= numpy.float32

Reduces the histogram in the values over N processors to a single histogram. This is called automatically by freud.order.BondOrder.getBondOrder().


resets the values of the bond order in memory

Order Parameters

Order parameters take bond order data and interpret it in some way to quantify the degree of order in a system. This is often done through taking Spherical Harmonics of the bond order diagram, which is the spherical analogue of Fourier Transforms.

Cubatic Order Parameter

class freud.order.CubaticOrderParameter(t_initial, t_final, scale, n_replicates, seed)

Compute the Cubatic Order Parameter [Cit1] for a system of particles using simulated annealing instead of Newton-Raphson root finding.

Module author: Eric Harper <harperic@umich.edu>

  • t_initial (float) – Starting temperature
  • t_final (float) – Final temperature
  • scale (float) – Scaling factor to reduce temperature
  • n_replicates (unsigned int) – Number of replicate simulated annealing runs
  • seed (unsigned int) – random seed to use in calculations. If None, system time used
compute(self, orientations)

Calculates the per-particle and global OP

  • box (freud.box.Box) – simulation box
  • orientations (numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}, 4 \right)\), dtype= numpy.float32) – orientations to calculate the order parameter
Returns:Cubatic Order parameter
Return type:float
Returns:Rank 4 tensor corresponding to each individual particle orientation
Return type:numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(3, 3, 3, 3 \right)\), dtype= numpy.float32
Returns:Rank 4 tensor corresponding to each individual particle orientation
Return type:numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(3, 3, 3, 3 \right)\), dtype= numpy.float32
Returns:Rank 4 tensor corresponding to each individual particle orientation
Return type:numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(3, 3, 3, 3 \right)\), dtype= numpy.float32
Returns:orientation of global orientation
Return type:numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(4 \right)\), dtype= numpy.float32
Returns:Cubatic Order parameter
Return type:float
Returns:Rank 4 tensor corresponding to each individual particle orientation
Return type:numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}, 3, 3, 3, 3 \right)\), dtype= numpy.float32
Returns:value of scale
Return type:float
Returns:value of final temperature
Return type:float
Returns:value of initial temperature
Return type:float

Hexatic Order Parameter

class freud.order.HexOrderParameter(rmax, k, n)

Calculates the x-atic order parameter for each particle in the system.

The x-atic order parameter for a particle \(i\) and its \(n\) neighbors \(j\) is given by:

\(\psi_k \left( i \right) = \frac{1}{n} \sum_j^n e^{k i \phi_{ij}}\)

The parameter \(k\) governs the symmetry of the order parameter while the parameter \(n\) governs the number of neighbors of particle \(i\) to average over. \(\phi_{ij}\) is the angle between the vector \(r_{ij}\) and \(\left( 1,0 \right)\)


2D: This calculation is defined for 2D systems only. However particle positions are still required to be (x, y, 0)

Module author: Eric Harper <harperic@umich.edu>

  • rmax (float) – +/- r distance to search for neighbors
  • k (float) – symmetry of order parameter (\(k=6\) is hexatic)
  • n (unsigned int) – number of neighbors (\(n=k\) if \(n\) not specified)


While \(k\) is a float, this is due to its use in calculations requiring floats. Passing in non-integer values will result in undefined behavior


Get the box used in the calculation

Returns:freud Box
Return type:freud.box.Box
compute(self, box, points, nlist=None)

Calculates the correlation function and adds to the current histogram.


Get the box used in the calculation

Returns:freud Box
Return type:freud.box.Box

Get the symmetry of the order parameter

Return type:float


While \(k\) is a float, this is due to its use in calculations requiring floats. Passing in non-integer values will result in undefined behavior


Get the number of particles

Return type:unsigned int
Returns:order parameter
Return type:numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles} \right)\), dtype= numpy.complex64

Get the symmetry of the order parameter

Return type:float


While \(k\) is a float, this is due to its use in calculations requiring floats. Passing in non-integer values will result in undefined behavior


Get the number of particles

Return type:unsigned int

return – order parameter :rtype: numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles} \right)\), dtype= numpy.complex64

Local Descriptors

class freud.order.LocalDescriptors(box, nNeigh, lmax, rmax)

Compute a set of descriptors (a numerical “fingerprint”) of a particle’s local environment.

Module author: Matthew Spellings <mspells@umich.edu>

  • num_neighbors (unsigned int) – Maximum number of neighbors to compute descriptors for
  • lmax – Maximum spherical harmonic \(l\) to consider
  • rmax (float) – Initial guess of the maximum radius to looks for neighbors
  • negative_m – True if we should also calculate \(Y_{lm}\) for negative \(m\)
compute(self, box, unsigned int num_neighbors, points_ref, points=None, orientations=None, mode='neighborhood', nlist=None)

Calculates the local descriptors of bonds from a set of source points to a set of destination points.

  • num_neighbors – Number of neighbors to compute with
  • points_ref (numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}, 3 \right)\), dtype= numpy.float32) – source points to calculate the order parameter
  • points (numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}, 3 \right)\), dtype= numpy.float32) – destination points to calculate the order parameter
  • orientations (numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}, 4 \right)\), dtype= numpy.float32 or None) – Orientation of each reference point
  • mode (str) – Orientation mode to use for environments, either ‘neighborhood’ to use the orientation of the local neighborhood, ‘particle_local’ to use the given particle orientations, or ‘global’ to not rotate environments
  • nlist (freud.locality.NeighborList) – freud.locality.NeighborList object to use to find bonds
computeNList(self, box, points_ref, points=None)

Compute the neighbor list for bonds from a set of source points to a set of destination points.

  • num_neighbors – Number of neighbors to compute with
  • points_ref (numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}, 3 \right)\), dtype= numpy.float32) – source points to calculate the order parameter
  • points (numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}, 3 \right)\), dtype= numpy.float32) – destination points to calculate the order parameter

Get the maximum spherical harmonic l to calculate for

Return type:unsigned int

Get the number of particles

Return type:unsigned int

Get the number of neighbors

Return type:unsigned int

Get the cutoff radius

Return type:float

Get a reference to the last computed spherical harmonic array

Returns:order parameter
Return type:numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{bonds}, \text{SphWidth} \right)\), dtype= numpy.complex64

Get the maximum spherical harmonic l to calculate for

Return type:unsigned int

Get the number of neighbors

Return type:unsigned int

Get the number of particles

Return type:unsigned int

Get the cutoff radius

Return type:float

Get a reference to the last computed spherical harmonic array

Returns:order parameter
Return type:numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{bonds}, \text{SphWidth} \right)\), dtype= numpy.complex64

Translational Order Parameter

class freud.order.TransOrderParameter(rmax, k, n)

Compute the translational order parameter for each particle

Module author: Michael Engel <engelmm@umich.edu>

  • rmax (float) – +/- r distance to search for neighbors
  • k (float) – symmetry of order parameter (\(k=6\) is hexatic)
  • n (unsigned int) – number of neighbors (\(n=k\) if \(n\) not specified)

Get the box used in the calculation

Returns:freud Box
Return type:freud.box.Box
compute(self, box, points, nlist=None)

Calculates the local descriptors.


Get a reference to the last computed spherical harmonic array

Returns:order parameter
Return type:numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}\right)\), dtype= numpy.complex64

Get the box used in the calculation

Returns:freud Box
Return type:freud.box.Box

Get a reference to the last computed spherical harmonic array

Returns:order parameter
Return type:numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}\right)\), dtype= numpy.complex64

Get the number of particles

Return type:unsigned int

Get the number of particles

Return type:unsigned int

Local \(Q_l\)

class freud.order.LocalQl(box, rmax, l, rmin)

LocalQl(box, rmax, l, rmin=0) Compute the local Steinhardt rotationally invariant Ql [Cit4] order parameter for a set of points.

Implements the local rotationally invariant Ql order parameter described by Steinhardt. For a particle i, we calculate the average \(Q_l\) by summing the spherical harmonics between particle \(i\) and its neighbors \(j\) in a local region: \(\overline{Q}_{lm}(i) = \frac{1}{N_b} \displaystyle\sum_{j=1}^{N_b} Y_{lm}(\theta(\vec{r}_{ij}), \phi(\vec{r}_{ij}))\)

This is then combined in a rotationally invariant fashion to remove local orientational order as follows: \(Q_l(i)=\sqrt{\frac{4\pi}{2l+1} \displaystyle\sum_{m=-l}^{l} |\overline{Q}_{lm}|^2 }\)

For more details see PJ Steinhardt (1983) (DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.28.784)

Added first/second shell combined average Ql order parameter for a set of points:

  • Variation of the Steinhardt Ql order parameter
  • For a particle i, we calculate the average Q_l by summing the spherical harmonics between particle i and its neighbors j and the neighbors k of neighbor j in a local region

Module author: Xiyu Du <xiyudu@umich.edu>

param box:simulation box
param rmax:Cutoff radius for the local order parameter. Values near first minima of the rdf are recommended
param l:Spherical harmonic quantum number l. Must be a positive number
param rmin:can look at only the second shell or some arbitrary rdf region
type box:freud.box.Box()
type rmax:float
type l:unsigned int
type rmin:float

Get a reference to the last computed Ql for each particle. Returns NaN instead of Ql for particles with no neighbors.

Returns:order parameter
Return type:numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}\right)\), dtype= numpy.float32

Get a reference to the last computed \(Q_l\) for each particle. Returns NaN instead of \(Q_l\) for particles with no neighbors.

Returns:order parameter
Return type:numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}\right)\), dtype= numpy.float32

Get a reference to the last computed \(Q_l\) for each particle. Returns NaN instead of \(Q_l\) for particles with no neighbors.

Returns:order parameter
Return type:numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}\right)\), dtype= numpy.float32

Get the box used in the calculation

Returns:freud Box
Return type:freud.box.Box
compute(self, points, nlist=None)

Compute the local rotationally invariant Ql order parameter.

computeAve(self, points, nlist=None)

Compute the local rotationally invariant Ql order parameter.

computeAveNorm(self, points, nlist=None)

Compute the local rotationally invariant Ql order parameter.

computeNorm(self, points, nlist=None)

Compute the local rotationally invariant Ql order parameter.


Get a reference to the last computed \(Q_l\) for each particle. Returns NaN instead of \(Q_l\) for particles with no neighbors.

Returns:order parameter
Return type:numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}\right)\), dtype= numpy.float32

Get the box used in the calculation

Returns:freud Box
Return type:freud.box.Box

Get the number of particles

Return type:unsigned int

Get a reference to the last computed Ql for each particle. Returns NaN instead of Ql for particles with no neighbors.

Returns:order parameter
Return type:numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}\right)\), dtype= numpy.float32

Get a reference to the last computed \(Q_l\) for each particle. Returns NaN instead of \(Q_l\) for particles with no neighbors.

Returns:order parameter
Return type:numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}\right)\), dtype= numpy.float32

Get a reference to the last computed \(Q_l\) for each particle. Returns NaN instead of \(Q_l\) for particles with no neighbors.

Returns:order parameter
Return type:numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}\right)\), dtype= numpy.float32

Get a reference to the last computed \(Q_l\) for each particle. Returns NaN instead of \(Q_l\) for particles with no neighbors.

Returns:order parameter
Return type:numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}\right)\), dtype= numpy.float32

Get the number of particles

Return type:unsigned int
setBox(self, box)

Reset the simulation box

Parameters:box (freud.box.Box) – simulation box

Nearest Neighbors Local \(Q_l\)

class freud.order.LocalQlNear(box, rmax, l, kn)

LocalQlNear(box, rmax, l, kn=12) Compute the local Steinhardt rotationally invariant Ql order parameter [Cit4] for a set of points.

Implements the local rotationally invariant Ql order parameter described by Steinhardt. For a particle i, we calculate the average \(Q_l\) by summing the spherical harmonics between particle \(i\) and its neighbors \(j\) in a local region: \(\overline{Q}_{lm}(i) = \frac{1}{N_b} \displaystyle\sum_{j=1}^{N_b} Y_{lm}(\theta(\vec{r}_{ij}), \phi(\vec{r}_{ij}))\)

This is then combined in a rotationally invariant fashion to remove local orientational order as follows: \(Q_l(i)=\sqrt{\frac{4\pi}{2l+1} \displaystyle\sum_{m=-l}^{l} |\overline{Q}_{lm}|^2 }\)

For more details see PJ Steinhardt (1983) (DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.28.784)

Added first/second shell combined average Ql order parameter for a set of points:

  • Variation of the Steinhardt Ql order parameter
  • For a particle i, we calculate the average Q_l by summing the spherical harmonics between particle i and its neighbors j and the neighbors k of neighbor j in a local region

Module author: Xiyu Du <xiyudu@umich.edu>

param box:simulation box
param rmax:Cutoff radius for the local order parameter. Values near first minima of the rdf are recommended
param l:Spherical harmonic quantum number l. Must be a positive number
param kn:number of nearest neighbors. must be a positive integer
type box:freud.box.Box
type rmax:float
type l:unsigned int
type kn:unsigned int
compute(self, points, nlist=None)

Compute the local rotationally invariant Ql order parameter.

computeAve(self, points, nlist=None)

Compute the local rotationally invariant Ql order parameter.

computeAveNorm(self, points, nlist=None)

Compute the local rotationally invariant Ql order parameter.

computeNorm(self, points, nlist=None)

Compute the local rotationally invariant Ql order parameter.


Local \(W_l\)

class freud.order.LocalWl(box, rmax, l)

LocalWl(box, rmax, l) Compute the local Steinhardt rotationally invariant \(W_l\) order parameter [Cit4] for a set of points.

Implements the local rotationally invariant \(W_l\) order parameter described by Steinhardt that can aid in distinguishing between FCC, HCP, and BCC.

For more details see PJ Steinhardt (1983) (DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.28.784)

Added first/second shell combined average \(W_l\) order parameter for a set of points:

  • Variation of the Steinhardt \(W_l\) order parameter
  • For a particle i, we calculate the average \(W_l\) by summing the spherical harmonics between particle i and its neighbors j and the neighbors k of neighbor j in a local region

Module author: Xiyu Du <xiyudu@umich.edu>

param box:simulation box
param rmax:Cutoff radius for the local order parameter. Values near first minima of the rdf are recommended
param l:Spherical harmonic quantum number l. Must be a positive number
type box:freud.box.Box()
type rmax:float
type l:unsigned int

Get a reference to the last computed Ql for each particle. Returns NaN instead of Ql for particles with no neighbors.

Returns:order parameter
Return type:numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}\right)\), dtype= numpy.float32

Get a reference to the last computed \(W_l\) for each particle. Returns NaN instead of \(W_l\) for particles with no neighbors.

Returns:order parameter
Return type:numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}\right)\), dtype= numpy.complex64

Get a reference to the last computed \(W_l\) for each particle. Returns NaN instead of \(W_l\) for particles with no neighbors.

Returns:order parameter
Return type:numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}\right)\), dtype= numpy.float32

Get a reference to the last computed \(W_l\) for each particle. Returns NaN instead of \(W_l\) for particles with no neighbors.

Returns:order parameter
Return type:numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}\right)\), dtype= numpy.float32

Get the box used in the calculation

Returns:freud Box
Return type:freud.box.Box
compute(self, points, nlist=None)

Compute the local rotationally invariant Ql order parameter.

computeAve(self, points, nlist=None)

Compute the local rotationally invariant Ql order parameter.

computeAveNorm(self, points, nlist=None)

Compute the local rotationally invariant \(Q_l\) order parameter.

computeNorm(self, points, nlist=None)

Compute the local rotationally invariant \(Q_l\) order parameter.


Get a reference to the last computed \(W_l\) for each particle. Returns NaN instead of \(W_l\) for particles with no neighbors.

Returns:order parameter
Return type:numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}\right)\), dtype= numpy.float32

Get the box used in the calculation

Returns:freud Box
Return type:freud.box.Box

Get the number of particles

Return type:unsigned int

Get a reference to the last computed \(Q_l\) for each particle. Returns NaN instead of \(Q_l\) for particles with no neighbors.

Returns:order parameter
Return type:numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}\right)\), dtype= numpy.float32

Get a reference to the last computed \(W_l\) for each particle. Returns NaN instead of \(W_l\) for particles with no neighbors.

Returns:order parameter
Return type:numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}\right)\), dtype= numpy.complex64

Get a reference to the last computed \(W_l\) for each particle. Returns NaN instead of \(W_l\) for particles with no neighbors.

Returns:order parameter
Return type:numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}\right)\), dtype= numpy.float32

Get a reference to the last computed \(W_l\) for each particle. Returns NaN instead of \(W_l\) for particles with no neighbors.

Returns:order parameter
Return type:numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}\right)\), dtype= numpy.float32

Get a reference to the last computed \(W_l\) for each particle. Returns NaN instead of \(W_l\) for particles with no neighbors.

Returns:order parameter
Return type:numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}\right)\), dtype= numpy.float32

Get the number of particles

Return type:unsigned int
setBox(self, box)

Reset the simulation box

Parameters:box (freud.box.Box) – simulation box

Nearest Neighbors Local \(W_l\)

class freud.order.LocalWlNear(box, rmax, l, kn)

LocalWlNear(box, rmax, l, kn=12) Compute the local Steinhardt rotationally invariant \(W_l\) order parameter [Cit4] for a set of points.

Implements the local rotationally invariant \(W_l\) order parameter described by Steinhardt that can aid in distinguishing between FCC, HCP, and BCC.

For more details see PJ Steinhardt (1983) (DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.28.784)

Added first/second shell combined average \(W_l\) order parameter for a set of points:

  • Variation of the Steinhardt \(W_l\) order parameter
  • For a particle i, we calculate the average \(W_l\) by summing the spherical harmonics between particle i and its neighbors j and the neighbors k of neighbor j in a local region

Module author: Xiyu Du <xiyudu@umich.edu>

param box:simulation box
param rmax:Cutoff radius for the local order parameter. Values near first minima of the rdf are recommended
param l:Spherical harmonic quantum number l. Must be a positive number
param kn:Number of nearest neighbors. Must be a positive number
type box:freud.box.Box
type rmax:float
type l:unsigned int
type kn:unsigned int
compute(self, points, nlist=None)

Compute the local rotationally invariant Ql order parameter.

computeAve(self, points, nlist=None)

Compute the local rotationally invariant Ql order parameter.

computeAveNorm(self, points, nlist=None)

Compute the local rotationally invariant Ql order parameter.

computeNorm(self, points, nlist=None)

Compute the local rotationally invariant Ql order parameter.


Solid-Liquid Order Parameter

class freud.order.SolLiq(box, rmax, Qthreshold, Sthreshold, l)

SolLiq(box, rmax, Qthreshold, Sthreshold, l) Computes dot products of \(Q_{lm}\) between particles and uses these for clustering.

Module author: Richmond Newman <newmanrs@umich.edu>

param box:simulation box
param rmax:Cutoff radius for the local order parameter. Values near first minima of the rdf are recommended
param Qthreshold:
 Value of dot product threshold when evaluating \(Q_{lm}^*(i) Q_{lm}(j)\) to determine if a neighbor pair is a solid-like bond. (For \(l=6\), 0.7 generally good for FCC or BCC structures)
param Sthreshold:
 Minimum required number of adjacent solid-link bonds for a particle to be considered solid-like for clustering. (For \(l=6\), 6-8 generally good for FCC or BCC structures)
param l:Choose spherical harmonic \(Q_l\). Must be positive and even.
type box:freud.box.Box()
type rmax:float
type Qthreshold:
type Sthreshold:
 unsigned int
type l:unsigned int

Get a reference to the number of connections per particle

Return type:numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}\right)\), dtype= numpy.uint32

Get a reference to the last computed \(Q_{lmi}\) for each particle.

Returns:order parameter
Return type:numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}\right)\), dtype= numpy.complex64

Get the box used in the calculation

Returns:freud Box
Return type:freud.box.Box

Return the sizes of all clusters

Returns:largest cluster size
Return type:numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{clusters}\right)\), dtype= numpy.uint32

Get a reference to the last computed set of solid-like cluster indices for each particle

Return type:numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}\right)\), dtype= numpy.uint32
compute(self, points, nlist=None)

Compute the local rotationally invariant Ql order parameter.

computeSolLiqNoNorm(self, points, nlist=None)

Compute the local rotationally invariant Ql order parameter.

computeSolLiqVariant(self, points, nlist=None)

Compute the local rotationally invariant Ql order parameter.


Get the box used in the calculation

Returns:freud Box
Return type:freud.box.Box

Return the sizes of all clusters

Returns:largest cluster size
Return type:numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{clusters}\right)\), dtype= numpy.uint32

Get a reference to the last computed set of solid-like cluster indices for each particle

Return type:numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}\right)\), dtype= numpy.uint32

Returns the largest cluster size. Must compute sol-liq first

Returns:largest cluster size
Return type:unsigned int

Get the number of particles

Return type:unsigned int

Get a reference to the number of connections per particle

Return type:numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}\right)\), dtype= numpy.uint32

Get a reference to the qldot_ij values

Returns:largest cluster size
Return type:numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{clusters}\right)\), dtype= numpy.complex64

Get a reference to the last computed \(Q_{lmi}\) for each particle.

Returns:order parameter
Return type:numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}\right)\), dtype= numpy.complex64

Returns the largest cluster size. Must compute sol-liq first

Returns:largest cluster size
Return type:unsigned int

Get a reference to the number of connections per particle

Return type:numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}\right)\), dtype= numpy.uint32

Get the number of particles

Return type:unsigned int
setBox(self, box)

Reset the simulation box

Parameters:box (freud.box.Box) – simulation box
setClusteringRadius(self, rcutCluster)

Reset the clustering radius

Parameters:rcutCluster (float) – radius for the cluster finding

Nearest Neighbors Solid-Liquid Order Parameter

class freud.order.SolLiqNear(box, rmax, Qthreshold, Sthreshold, l)

SolLiqNear(box, rmax, Qthreshold, Sthreshold, l, kn=12) Computes dot products of \(Q_{lm}\) between particles and uses these for clustering.

Module author: Richmond Newman <newmanrs@umich.edu>

param box:simulation box
param rmax:Cutoff radius for the local order parameter. Values near first minima of the rdf are recommended
param Qthreshold:
 Value of dot product threshold when evaluating \(Q_{lm}^*(i) Q_{lm}(j)\) to determine if a neighbor pair is a solid-like bond. (For \(l=6\), 0.7 generally good for FCC or BCC structures)
param Sthreshold:
 Minimum required number of adjacent solid-link bonds for a particle to be considered solid-like for clustering. (For \(l=6\), 6-8 generally good for FCC or BCC structures)
param l:Choose spherical harmonic \(Q_l\). Must be positive and even.
param kn:Number of nearest neighbors. Must be a positive number
type box:freud.box.Box
type rmax:float
type Qthreshold:
type Sthreshold:
 unsigned int
type l:unsigned int
type kn:unsigned int
compute(self, points, nlist=None)

Compute the local rotationally invariant \(Q_l\) order parameter.

computeSolLiqNoNorm(self, points, nlist=None)

Compute the local rotationally invariant \(Q_l\) order parameter.

computeSolLiqVariant(self, points, nlist=None)

Compute the local rotationally invariant \(Q_l\) order parameter.


Environment Matching

class freud.order.MatchEnv(box, rmax, k)

Clusters particles according to whether their local environments match or not, according to various shape matching metrics.

Module author: Erin Teich <erteich@umich.edu>

  • box (freud.box.Box) – Simulation box
  • rmax (float) – Cutoff radius for cell list and clustering algorithm. Values near first minimum of the rdf are recommended.
  • k (unsigned int) – Number of nearest neighbors taken to define the local environment of any given particle.
cluster(self, points, threshold, hard_r=False, registration=False, global_search=False, nlist=None)

Determine clusters of particles with matching environments.

  • points (numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}, 3\right)\), dtype= numpy.float32) – particle positions
  • threshold (float) – maximum magnitude of the vector difference between two vectors, below which you call them matching
  • hard_r (bool) – if true, add all particles that fall within the threshold of m_rmaxsq to the environment
  • registration (bool) – if true, first use brute force registration to orient one set of environment vectors with respect to the other set such that it minimizes the RMSD between the two sets
  • global_search – if true, do an exhaustive search wherein you compare the environments of every single pair of particles in the simulation. If false, only compare the environments of neighboring particles.
  • nlist (freud.locality.NeighborList) – freud.locality.NeighborList object to use to find bonds

Get a reference to the particles, indexed into clusters according to their matching local environments

Return type:numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}\right)\), dtype= numpy.uint32
getEnvironment(self, i)

Returns the set of vectors defining the environment indexed by i

Parameters:i (unsigned int) – environment index
Returns:the array of vectors
Return type:numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{neighbors}, 3\right)\), dtype= numpy.float32

Get the number of particles

Return type:unsigned int

Get the number of clusters

Return type:unsigned int

Returns the entire m_Np by m_maxk by 3 matrix of all environments for all particles

Returns:the array of vectors
Return type:numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}, N_{neighbors}, 3\right)\), dtype= numpy.float32
isSimilar(self, refPoints1, refPoints2, threshold, registration=False)

Test if the motif provided by refPoints1 is similar to the motif provided by refPoints2.

  • refPoints1 (numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}, 3\right)\), dtype= numpy.float32) – vectors that make up motif 1
  • refPoints2 (numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}, 3\right)\), dtype= numpy.float32) – vectors that make up motif 2
  • threshold (float) – maximum magnitude of the vector difference between two vectors, below which you call them matching
  • registration (bool) – if true, first use brute force registration to orient one set of environment vectors with respect to the other set such that it minimizes the RMSD between the two sets

a doublet that gives the rotated (or not) set of refPoints2, and the mapping between the vectors of refPoints1 and refPoints2 that will make them correspond to each other. empty if they do not correspond to each other.

Return type:

tuple[( numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}, 3\right)\), dtype= numpy.float32), map[int, int]]

matchMotif(self, points, refPoints, threshold, registration=False, nlist=None)

Determine clusters of particles that match the motif provided by refPoints.

  • points (numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}, 3\right)\), dtype= numpy.float32) – particle positions
  • refPoints (numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{neighbors}, 3\right)\), dtype= numpy.float32) – vectors that make up the motif against which we are matching
  • threshold (float) – maximum magnitude of the vector difference between two vectors, below which you call them matching
  • registration (bool) – if true, first use brute force registration to orient one set of environment vectors with respect to the other set such that it minimizes the RMSD between the two sets
  • nlist (freud.locality.NeighborList) – freud.locality.NeighborList object to use to find bonds
minRMSDMotif(self, points, refPoints, registration=False, nlist=None)

Rotate (if registration=True) and permute the environments of all particles to minimize their RMSD wrt the motif provided by refPoints.

  • points (numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}, 3\right)\), dtype= numpy.float32) – particle positions
  • refPoints (numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{neighbors}, 3\right)\), dtype= numpy.float32) – vectors that make up the motif against which we are matching
  • registration (bool) – if true, first use brute force registration to orient one set of environment vectors with respect to the other set such that it minimizes the RMSD between the two sets
  • nlist (freud.locality.NeighborList) – freud.locality.NeighborList object to use to find bonds

vector of minimal RMSD values, one value per particle.

Return type:

numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}\right)\), dtype= numpy.float32

minimizeRMSD(self, refPoints1, refPoints2, registration=False)

Get the somewhat-optimal RMSD between the set of vectors refPoints1 and the set of vectors refPoints2.

  • refPoints1 (numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}, 3\right)\), dtype= numpy.float32) – vectors that make up motif 1
  • refPoints2 (numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}, 3\right)\), dtype= numpy.float32) – vectors that make up motif 2
  • registration (bool) – if true, first use brute force registration to orient one set of environment vectors with respect to the other set such that it minimizes the RMSD between the two sets

a triplet that gives the associated min_rmsd, rotated (or not) set of refPoints2, and the mapping between the vectors of refPoints1 and refPoints2 that somewhat minimizes the RMSD.

Return type:

tuple[float, ( numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}, 3\right)\), dtype= numpy.float32), map[int, int]]


Get the number of clusters

Return type:unsigned int

Get the number of particles

Return type:unsigned int
setBox(self, box)

Reset the simulation box

Parameters:box (freud.box.Box) – simulation box

Returns the entire m_Np by m_maxk by 3 matrix of all environments for all particles

Returns:the array of vectors
Return type:numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}, N_{neighbors}, 3\right)\), dtype= numpy.float32



This module is deprecated is is replaced with Bond Module

class freud.order.Pairing2D(rmax, k, compDotTol)

Compute pairs for the system of particles.

Module author: Eric Harper <harperic@umich.edu>

  • rmax (float) – distance over which to calculate
  • k (unsigned int) – number of neighbors to search
  • compDotTol (float) – value of the dot product below which a pair is determined

Get the box used in the calculation

Returns:freud Box
Return type:freud.box.Box
compute(self, box, points, orientations, compOrientations, nlist=None)

Calculates the correlation function and adds to the current histogram.

  • box (freud.box.Box) – simulation box
  • points (numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}, 3\right)\), dtype= numpy.float32) – reference points to calculate the local density
  • orientations (numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}\right)\), dtype= numpy.float32) – orientations to use in computation
  • compOrientations (numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}\right)\), dtype= numpy.float32) – possible orientations to check for bonds
  • nlist (freud.locality.NeighborList) – freud.locality.NeighborList object to use to find bonds

Get the box used in the calculation

Returns:freud Box
Return type:freud.box.Box
Return type:numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}\right)\), dtype= numpy.uint32
Return type:numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}\right)\), dtype= numpy.uint32

return – match :rtype: numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}\right)\), dtype= numpy.uint32


return – pair :rtype: numpy.ndarray, shape= \(\left(N_{particles}\right)\), dtype= numpy.uint32