
The freud.diffraction.DiffractionPattern class computes a diffraction pattern, which is a 2D image of the static structure factor \(S(\vec{k})\) of a set of points.

import freud
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import rowan

First, we generate a sample system, a face-centered cubic crystal with some noise.

box, points =
    num_replicas=10, sigma_noise=0.02

Now we create a DiffractionPattern compute object.

dp = freud.diffraction.DiffractionPattern(grid_size=512, output_size=512)

Next, we use the compute method and plot the result. We use a view orientation with the identity quaternion [1, 0, 0, 0] so the view is aligned down the z-axis.

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4, 4), dpi=150)
dp.compute((box, points), view_orientation=[1, 0, 0, 0])

We can also use a random quaternion for the view orientation to see what the diffraction looks like from another axis.

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4, 4), dpi=150)
view_orientation = rowan.random.rand()
dp.compute((box, points), view_orientation=view_orientation)
print("Looking down the axis:", rowan.rotate(view_orientation, [0, 0, 1]))
Looking down the axis: [0.75707404 0.33639217 0.56007071]

The DiffractionPattern object also provides \(\vec{k}\) vectors in the original 3D space and the magnitudes of \(k_x\) and \(k_y\) in the 2D projection along the view axis.

print("Magnitudes of k_x and k_y along the plot axes:")
print(dp.k_values[:5], "...", dp.k_values[-5:])
Magnitudes of k_x and k_y along the plot axes:
[-25.6 -25.5 -25.4 -25.3 -25.2] ... [25.1 25.2 25.3 25.4 25.5]
print("3D k-vectors corresponding to each pixel of the diffraction image:")
print("Array shape:", dp.k_vectors.shape)
print("Center value: k =", dp.k_vectors[dp.output_size // 2, dp.output_size // 2, :])
print("Top-left value: k =", dp.k_vectors[0, 0, :])
3D k-vectors corresponding to each pixel of the diffraction image:
Array shape: (512, 512, 3)
Center value: k = [0. 0. 0.]
Top-left value: k = [ 19.03669015 -29.77826902  -7.84723661]

We can also measure the diffraction of a random system (note: this is an ideal gas, not a liquid-like system, because the particles have no volume exclusion or repulsion). Note that the peak at \(\vec{k} = 0\) persists. The diffraction pattern returned by this class is normalized by dividing by \(N^2\), so \(S(\vec{k}=0) = 1\) after normalization.

box, points =, num_points=10000)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4, 4), dpi=150)
dp.compute((box, points))