Voronoi Module



Compute the Voronoi tessellation of a 2D or 3D system using qhull.


The freud.voronoi module contains tools to characterize Voronoi cells of a system.

class freud.voronoi.Voronoi(box, buff)

Compute the Voronoi tessellation of a 2D or 3D system using qhull. This uses scipy.spatial.Voronoi, accounting for periodic boundary conditions.

Module author: Benjamin Schultz <baschult@umich.edu>

Module author: Yina Geng <yinageng@umich.edu>

Module author: Mayank Agrawal <amayank@umich.edu>

Module author: Bradley Dice <bdice@bradleydice.com>

Since qhull does not support periodic boundary conditions natively, we expand the box to include a portion of the particles’ periodic images. The buffer width is given by the parameter buff. The computation of Voronoi tessellations and neighbors is only guaranteed to be correct if buff >= L/2 where L is the longest side of the simulation box. For dense systems with particles filling the entire simulation volume, a smaller value for buff is acceptable. If the buffer width is too small, then some polytopes may not be closed (they may have a boundary at infinity), and these polytopes’ vertices are excluded from the list. If either the polytopes or volumes lists that are computed is different from the size of the array of positions used in the freud.voronoi.Voronoi.compute() method, try recomputing using a larger buffer width.

  • buffer (float) – Buffer width.

  • nlist (NeighborList) – Returns a weighted neighbor list. In 2D systems, the bond weight is the “ridge length” of the Voronoi boundary line between the neighboring particles. In 3D systems, the bond weight is the “ridge area” of the Voronoi boundary polygon between the neighboring particles.

  • polytopes (list[numpy.ndarray]) – List of arrays, each containing Voronoi polytope vertices.

  • volumes ((\(\left(N_{cells} \right)\)) numpy.ndarray) – Returns an array of volumes (areas in 2D) corresponding to Voronoi cells.


Compute Voronoi diagram.

  • positions ((\(N_{particles}\), 3) numpy.ndarray) – Points to calculate Voronoi diagram for.

  • box (freud.box.Box) – Simulation box (Default value = None).

  • buff (float) – Buffer distance within which to look for images (Default value = None).


Compute the neighbors of each particle based on the Voronoi tessellation. One can include neighbors from multiple Voronoi shells by specifying numShells in getNeighbors(). An example of computing neighbors from the first two Voronoi shells for a 2D mesh is shown below.

Retrieve the results with getNeighbors().


from freud import box, voronoi
import numpy as np
vor = voronoi.Voronoi(box.Box(5, 5, is2D=True))
pos = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 2, 0],
                [1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 2, 0],
                [2, 0, 0], [2, 1, 0], [2, 2, 0]], dtype=np.float32)
first_shell = vor.computeNeighbors(pos).getNeighbors(1)
second_shell = vor.computeNeighbors(pos).getNeighbors(2)
print('First shell:', first_shell)
print('Second shell:', second_shell)


Input positions must be a 3D array. For 2D, set the z value to 0.

  • positions ((\(N_{particles}\), 3) numpy.ndarray) – Points to calculate Voronoi diagram for.

  • box (freud.box.Box) – Simulation box (Default value = None).

  • buff (float) – Buffer distance within which to look for images (Default value = None).

  • exclude_ii (bool, optional) – True if pairs of points with identical indices should be excluded (Default value = True).


Computes volumes (areas in 2D) of Voronoi cells.

New in version 0.8.

Must call freud.voronoi.Voronoi.compute() before this method. Retrieve the results with the volumes attribute.


Get numShells of neighbors for each particle

Must call computeNeighbors() before this method.


numShells (int) – Number of neighbor shells.