Source Code Conventions

The guidelines below should be followed for any new code added to freud. This guide is separated into three sections, one for guidelines common to Python and C++, one for Python alone, and one for C++.


Naming Conventions

The following conventions should apply to Python, Cython, and C++ code.

  • Variable names use lower_case_with_underscores
  • Function and method names use lowerCaseWithNoUnderscores
  • Class names use CapWords

Python example:

class FreudClass(object):
    def __init__(self):
    def calcSomething(self, position_i, orientation_i, position_j, orientation_j):
        r_ij = position_j - position_i
        theta_ij = calcOrientationThing(orientation_i, orientation_j)
    def calcOrientationThing(self, orientation_i, orientation_j):

C++ example:

class FreudCPPClass
    computeSomeValue(int variable_a, float variable_b)
        // do some things in here


  • Spaces, not tabs, must be used for indentation
  • 4 spaces are required per level of indentation and continuation lines
  • There should be no whitespace at the end of lines in the file.
  • Documentation comments and items broken over multiple lines should be aligned with spaces
class SomeClass
        int m_some_member;        //!< Documentation for some_member
        int m_some_other_member;  //!< Documentation for some_other_member

template<class BlahBlah> void some_long_func(BlahBlah with_a_really_long_argument_list,
                                             int b,
                                             int c);

Formatting Long Lines

All code lines should be hand-wrapped so that they are no more than 79 characters long. Simply break any excessively long line of code at any natural breaking point to continue on the next line.

cout << "This is a really long message, with "
     << message.length()
     << "Characters in it:"
     << message << endl;

Try to maintain some element of symmetry in the way the line is broken. For example, the above long message is preferred over the below:

cout << "This is a really long message, with " << message.length() << "Characters in it:"
   << message << endl;

There are special rules for function definitions and/or calls:

  • If the function definition (or call) cleanly fits within the character limit, leave it all on one line
int some_function(int arg1, int arg2)
  • (Option 1) If the function definition (or call) goes over the limit, you may be able to fix it by simply putting the template definition on the previous line:
// go from
template<class Foo, class Bar> int some_really_long_function_name(int with_really_long, Foo argument, Bar lists)
// to
template<class Foo, class Bar>
int some_really_long_function_name(int with_really_long, Foo argument, Bar lists)
  • (Option 2) If the function doesn’t have a template specifier, or splitting at that point isn’t enough, split out each argument onto a separate line and align them.
// Instead of this...
int someReallyLongFunctionName(int with_really_long_arguments, int or, int maybe, float there, char are, int just, float a, int lot, char of, int them)

// ...use this.
int someReallyLongFunctionName(int with_really_long_arguments,
                               int or,
                               int maybe,
                               float there,
                               char are,
                               int just,
                               float a,
                               int lot,
                               char of,
                               int them)


Code in freud should follow PEP 8, as well as the following guidelines. Anything listed here takes precedence over PEP 8, but try to deviate as little as possible from PEP 8. When in doubt, follow these guidelines over PEP 8.

During continuous integration (CI), all Python and Cython code in freud is tested with flake8 to ensure PEP 8 compliance. It is strongly recommended to set up a pre-commit hook to ensure code is compliant before pushing to the repository:

flake8 --install-hook git
git config --bool flake8.strict true


  • All code should be contained in Cython files
  • Python .py files are reserved for module level docstrings and minor miscellaneous tasks for, e.g, backwards compatibility.
  • Semicolons should not be used to mark the end of lines in Python.

Documentation Comments

  • Documentation is generated using sphinx.
  • The documentation should be written according to the Google Python Style Guide.
  • A few specific notes:
    • The shapes of NumPy arrays should be documented as part of the type in the following manner: points ((N, 4) (:py:class:np.ndarray)): The points....
    • Constructors should be documented at the class level.
    • Class attributes (including properties) should be documented as class attributes within the class-level docstring.
    • Optional arguments should be documented as such within the type after the actual type, and the default value should be included within the description e.g., r_max (float, optional): ... If None (the default), number is inferred....
    • Properties that are settable should be documented the same way as optional arguments: Lx (float, settable): Length in x.
  • All docstrings should be contained within the Cython files except module docstrings, which belong in the Python code.
  • If you copy an existing file as a template, make sure to modify the comments to reflect the new file.
  • Good documentation comments are best demonstrated with an in-code example. Liberal addition of examples is encouraged.



class SomeClass
        int SomeMethod(int a);
        int m_some_member;

// indent function bodies
int SomeClass::SomeMethod(int a)
    // indent loop bodies
    while (condition)
        b = a + 1;
        c = b - 2;

    // indent switch bodies and the statements inside each case
    switch (b)
        case 0:
            c = 1;
        case 1:
            c = 2;
            c = 3;

    // indent the bodies of if statements
    if (something)
        c = 5;
        b = 10;
     else if (something_else)
        c = 10;
        b = 5;
        c = 20;
        b = 6;

    // omitting the braces is fine if there is only one statement in a body (for loops, if, etc.)
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        c = c + 1;

    return c;
    // the nice thing about this style is that every brace lines up perfectly with its mate
  • TBB sections should use lambdas, not templates
void someC++Function(float some_var,
                     float other_var)
    // code before parallel section
        [=] (const blocked_range<size_t>& r)
            // do stuff

Documentation Comments

  • Documentation should be written in doxygen.