
Installing freud

You can either install freud via conda or compile it from source.

Install via conda

The code below will install freud from conda-forge.

conda install -c conda-forge freud

Compile from source

The following are required for installing freud:

The following are optional for installing freud:

  • Cython: The freud repository contains a Cython-generated _freud.cpp file that can be used directly. However, Cython is necessary if you wish to recompile this file.

The code that follows creates a build directory inside the freud source directory and builds freud:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../
# Use `cmake ../ -DENABLE_CYTHON=ON` to rebuild _freud.cpp
make install

By default, freud installs to the USER_SITE directory, which is in ~/.local on Linux and in ~/Library on macOS. USER_SITE is on the Python search path by default, so there is no need to modify PYTHONPATH.


freud makes use of submodules. CMake has been configured to automatically initialize and update submodules. However, if this does not work, or you would like to do this yourself, please execute:

git submodule update --init

Unit Tests

The unit tests for freud are included in the repository and are configured to be run using the Python unittest library:

# Run tests from the tests directory
cd tests
python -m unittest discover .

Note that because freud is designed to require installation to run (i.e. it cannot be run directly out of the build directory), importing freud from the root of the repository will fail because it will try and import the package folder. As a result, unit tests must be run from outside the root directory.


The documentation for freud is hosted online at ReadTheDocs, but you may also build the documentation yourself:

Building the documentation

The following are required for building freud documentation:

You can install sphinx using conda

conda install sphinx

or from PyPi

pip install sphinx

To build the documentation, run the following commands in the source directory:

cd doc
make html
# Then open build/html/index.html

To build a PDF of the documentation (requires LaTeX and/or PDFLaTeX):

cd doc
make latexpdf
# Then open build/latex/freud.pdf