KSpace Module

Modules for calculating quantities in reciprocal space, including Fourier transforms of shapes and diffraction pattern generation.



Computes an n-dimensional meshgrid.

source: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1827489/numpy-meshgrid-in-3d

Parameters:arrs – Arrays to meshgrid
Returns:tuple of arrays
Return type:tuple

Structure Factor

Methods for calculating the structure factor of different systems.

class freud.kspace.SFactor3DPoints(box, g)[source]

Compute the full 3D structure factor of a given set of points.

Given a set of points \(\vec{r}_i\), SFactor3DPoints computes the static structure factor \(S \left( \vec{q} \right) = C_0 \left| {\sum_{m=1}^{N} \exp{\mathit{i}\vec{q}\cdot\vec{r_i}}} \right|^2\).

In this expression, \(C_0\) is a scaling constant chosen so that \(S\left(0\right) = 1\), and \(N\) is the number of particles.

\(S\) is evaluated on a grid of \(q\)-values \(\vec{q} = h \frac{2\pi}{L_x} \hat{i} + k \frac{2\pi}{L_y} \hat{j} + l \frac{2\pi}{L_z} \hat{k}\) for integer \(h,k,l: \left[-g,g\right]\) and \(L_x, L_y, L_z\) are the box lengths in each direction.

After calling compute(), access the \(q\) values with getQ(), the static structure factor values with getS(), and (if needed) the un-squared complex version of \(S\) with getSComplex(). All values are stored in 3D numpy.ndarray structures. They are indexed by \(a, b, c\) where \(a=h+g, b=k+g, c=l+g\).


Due to the way that numpy arrays are indexed, access the returned S array as S[c,b,a] to get the value at \(q = \left(qx\left[a\right], qy\left[b\right], qz\left[c\right]\right)\).


Compute the static structure factor of a given set of points.

After calling compute(), you can access the results with getS(), getSComplex(), and the grid with getQ().

Parameters:points (numpy.ndarray, shape=(\(N_{particles}\), 3), dtype= numpy.float32) – points used to compute the static structure factor

Get the \(q\) values at each point.

The structure factor S[c,b,a] is evaluated at the vector \(q = \left(qx\left[a\right], qy\left[b\right], qz\left[c\right]\right)\).

Returns:(qx, qy, qz)
Return type:tuple

Get the computed static structure factor.

Returns:The computed static structure factor as a copy
Return type:numpy.ndarray, shape=(X,Y), dtype= numpy.float32

Get the computed complex structure factor (if you need the phase information).

Returns:The computed static structure factor, as a copy, without taking the magnitude squared
Return type:numpy.ndarray, shape=(X,Y), dtype= numpy.complex64
class freud.kspace.AnalyzeSFactor3D(S)[source]

Analyze the peaks in a 3D structure factor.

Given a structure factor \(S\left(q\right)\) computed by classes such as SFactor3DPoints, AnalyzeSFactor3D performs a variety of analysis tasks.

  • Identifies peaks
  • Provides a list of peaks and the vector \(\vec{q}\) positions at which they occur
  • Provides a list of peaks grouped by \(q^2\)
  • Provides a full list of \(S\left(\left|q\right|\right)\) values vs \(q^2\) suitable for plotting the 1D analog of the structure factor
  • Scans through the full 3D peaks and reconstructs the Bravais lattice


All of these operations work in an indexed integer \(q\)-space \(h,k,l\). Any peak position values returned must be multiplied by \(2\pi/L\) to get to real \(q\) values in simulation units.


Get a dictionary of peaks indexed by \(q^2\).

Parameters:cut (numpy.ndarray) – All \(S\left(q\right)\) values greater than cut will be counted as peaks
Returns:a dictionary with keys \(q^2\) and a list of peaks for the corresponding values
Return type:dict

Get a list of peaks in the structure factor.

Parameters:cut – All \(S\left(q\right)\) values greater than cut will be counted as peaks
Returns:peaks, \(q\) as lists
Return type:list

Get a list of all \(S\left(\left|q\right|\right)\) values vs \(q^2\).

Returns:S, qsquared
Return type:numpy.ndarray
class freud.kspace.SingleCell3D(k, ndiv, dK, boxMatrix)[source]

SingleCell3D objects manage data structures necessary to call the Fourier Transform functions that evaluate FTs for given form factors at a list of \(K\) points. SingleCell3D provides an interface to helper functions to calculate \(K\) points for a desired grid from the reciprocal lattice vectors calculated from an input boxMatrix. State is maintained as set_ and update_ functions invalidate internal data structures and as fresh data is restored with update_ function calls. This should facilitate management with a higher-level UI such as a GUI with an event queue.

I’m not sure what sort of error checking would be most useful, so I’m mostly allowing ValueErrors and such exceptions to just occur and then propagate up through the calling functions to be dealt with by the user.


Create internal data structures for new particle type by name.

Particle type is inactive when added because parameters must be set before FT can be performed.

Parameters:name (str) – particle name
calculate(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Calculate FT. The details and arguments will vary depending on the form factor chosen for the particles.

For any particle type-dependent parameters passed as keyword arguments, the parameter must be passed as a list of length max(p_type)+1 with indices corresponding to the particle types defined. In other words, type-dependent parameters are optional (depending on the set of form factors being calculated), but if included must be defined for all particle types.

  • position (numpy.ndarray, shape=(\(N_{particles}\), 3), dtype= numpy.float32) – array of particle positions in nm
  • orientation (numpy.ndarray, shape=(\(N_{particles}\), 4), dtype= numpy.float32) – array of orientation quaternions
  • kwargs – additional keyword arguments passed on to form-factor-specific FT calculator

Get form factor names and indices.

Returns:list of factor names and indices
Return type:list

Get ordered list of particle names.

Returns:list of particle names
Return type:list

Remove internal data structures associated with ptype name.

Parameters:name (str) – particle name


This shouldn’t usually be necessary, since particle types may be set inactive or have any of their properties updated through set_ methods.


Set particle type active.

Parameters:name (str) – particle name

Set box matrix.

Parameters:boxMatrix (numpy.ndarray, shape=(3, 3), dtype= numpy.float32) – unit cell box matrix

Set grid spacing in diffraction image.

Parameters:dK (float) – difference in \(K\) vector between two adjacent diffraction image grid points
set_form_factor(name, ff)[source]

Set scattering form factor.


Set particle type inactive.

Parameters:name (str) – particle name

Set angular wave number of plane wave probe.

Parameters:k (float) – \(\left|k_0\right|\)

Set number of grid divisions in diffraction image.

Parameters:ndiv (int) – define diffraction image as ndiv x ndiv grid
set_param(particle, param, value)[source]

Set named parameter for named particle.

  • particle (str) – particle name
  • param (str) – parameter name
  • value (float) – parameter value
set_rq(name, position, orientation)[source]

Set positions and orientations for a particle type.

To best maintain valid state in the event of changing numbers of particles, position and orientation are updated in a single method.

  • name (str) – particle type name
  • position (numpy.ndarray, shape=(\(N_{particles}\), 3), dtype= numpy.float32) – (N,3) array of particle positions
  • orientation (numpy.ndarray, shape=(\(N_{particles}\), 4), dtype= numpy.float32) – (N,4) array of particle quaternions

Set scale factor. Store global value and set for each particle type.

Parameters:scale (float) – nm per unit for input file coordinates

Recalculate constraint used to select \(K\) values.

The constraint used is a slab of epsilon thickness in a plane perpendicular to the \(k_0\) propagation, intended to provide easy emulation of TEM or relatively high-energy scattering.


Update \(K\) points at which to evaluate FT.


If the diffraction image dimensions change relative to the reciprocal lattice, the \(K\) points need to be recalculated.


Update the direct and reciprocal space lattice vectors.


If scale or boxMatrix is updated, the lattice vectors in direct and reciprocal space need to be recalculated.

class freud.kspace.FTfactory[source]

Factory to return an FT object of the requested type.

addFT(name, constructor, args=None)[source]

Add an FT class to the factory.

  • name (str) – identifying string to be returned by getFTlist()
  • constructor (object) – class / function name to be used to create new FT objects
  • args (list) – set default argument object to be used to construct FT objects

Get an ordered list of named FT types.

Returns:list of FT names
Return type:list
getFTobject(i, args=None)[source]

Get a new instance of an FT type from list returned by getFTlist().

  • i (int) – index into list returned by getFTlist()
  • args (list) – argument object used to initialize FT, overriding default set at addFT()
class freud.kspace.FTbase[source]

Base class for FT calculation classes.


Return Fourier Transform.

Returns:Fourier Transform
Return type:numpy.ndarray

Get density.

Return type:numpy.complex64

Get named parameter for object.

Parameters:name (str) – parameter name. Must exist in list returned by get_params()
Returns:parameter value
Return type:float

Get the parameter names accessible with set_parambyname().

Returns:parameter names
Return type:list

Get scale.

Return type:float

Set \(K\) points to be evaluated.

Parameters:K (numpy.ndarray) – list of \(K\) vectors at which to evaluate FT

Set density.

Parameters:density (numpy.complex64) – density
set_parambyname(name, value)[source]

Set named parameter for object.

  • name (str) – parameter name. Must exist in list returned by get_params()
  • value (float) – parameter value to set
set_rq(r, q)[source]

Set \(r\), \(q\) values.


Set scale.

Parameters:scale (float) – scale
class freud.kspace.FTdelta[source]

Fourier transform a list of delta functions.

compute(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Compute FT.

Calculate \(S = \sum_{\alpha} \exp^{-i \mathbf{K} \cdot \mathbf{r}_{\alpha}}\)


Set \(K\) points to be evaluated.

Parameters:K (numpy.ndarray) – list of \(K\) vectors at which to evaluate FT

Set density.

Parameters:density (numpy.complex64) – density
set_rq(r, q)[source]

Set \(r\), \(q\) values.


Set scale.

Parameters:scale (float) – scale


For a scale factor, \(\lambda\), affecting the scattering density \(\rho\left(r\right)\), \(S_{\lambda}\left (k\right) == \lambda^3 * S\left(\lambda * k\right)\)

class freud.kspace.FTsphere[source]

Fourier transform for sphere.

Calculate \(S = \sum_{\alpha} \exp^{-i \mathbf{K} \cdot \mathbf{r}_{\alpha}}\)


Get radius parameter.

If appropriate, return value should be scaled by get_parambyname('scale') for interpretation.

Returns:unscaled radius
Return type:float

Set radius parameter.

Parameters:radius (float) – sphere radius will be stored as given, but scaled by scale parameter when used by methods
class freud.kspace.FTpolyhedron[source]

Fourier Transform for polyhedra.

compute(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Compute FT.

Calculate \(S = \sum_{\alpha} \exp^{-i \mathbf{K} \cdot \mathbf{r}_{\alpha}}\)


Get radius parameter.

If appropriate, return value should be scaled by get_parambyname('scale') for interpretation.

Returns:unscaled radius
Return type:float

Set \(K\) points to be evaluated.

Parameters:K (numpy.ndarray) – list of \(K\) vectors at which to evaluate FT

Set density.

Parameters:density (numpy.complex64) – density
set_params(verts, facets, norms, d, areas, volume)[source]

Construct list of facet offsets.

  • verts (numpy.ndarray, shape=(\(N_{verts}\), 3), dtype= numpy.float32) – list of vertices
  • facets (numpy.ndarray, shape=(\(N_{facets}\), \(N_{verts}\)), dtype= numpy.float32) – list of facets
  • norms (numpy.ndarray, shape=(\(N_{facets}\), 3), dtype= numpy.float32) – list of norms
  • d (numpy.ndarray, shape=(\(N_{facets}\)), dtype= numpy.float32) – list of d values
  • areas (numpy.ndarray, shape=(\(N_{facets}\)), dtype= numpy.float32) – list of areas
  • volumes (numpy.ndarray) – list of volumes

Set radius of in-sphere.

Parameters:radius (float) – radius inscribed sphere radius without scale applied
set_rq(r, q)[source]

Set \(r\), \(q\) values.

class freud.kspace.FTconvexPolyhedron[source]

Fourier Transform for convex polyhedra.

Spoly2D(i, k)[source]

Calculate Fourier transform of polygon.

  • i (int) – face index into self.hull simplex list
  • k (int) – angular wave vector at which to calculate \(S\left(i\right)\)

Calculate Fourier transform of polyhedron.

Parameters:k (int) – angular wave vector at which to calculate \(S\left(i\right)\)
compute_py(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Compute FT.

Calculate \(P = F * S\):

  • \(S = \sum_{\alpha} \exp^{-i \mathbf{K} \cdot \mathbf{r}_{\alpha}}\)
  • F is the analytical form factor for a polyhedron, computed with Spoly3D()

Get radius parameter.

If appropriate, return value should be scaled by get_parambyname(‘scale’) for interpretation.

Returns:unscaled radius
Return type:float

Set radius of in-sphere.

Parameters:radius (float) – radius inscribed sphere radius without scale applied

Diffraction Patterns

Methods for calculating diffraction patterns of various systems.

class freud.kspace.DeltaSpot[source]

Base class for drawing diffraction spots on a 2D grid.

Based on the dimensions of a grid, determines which grid points need to be modified to represent a diffraction spot and generates the values in that subgrid. Spot is a single pixel at the closest grid point.


Get indices of sub-grid.

Based on the type of spot and its center, return the grid mask of points containing the spot


Generate intensity value(s) at sub-grid points.

Parameters:cval (numpy.complex64) – complex valued amplitude used to generate spot intensity
set_xy(x, y)[source]

Set \(x\), \(y\) values of spot center.

  • x (float) – x value of spot center
  • y (float) – y value of spot center
class freud.kspace.GaussianSpot[source]

Draw diffraction spot as a Gaussian blur.

Grid points filled according to Gaussian at spot center.


Generate intensity value(s) at sub-grid points.

Parameters:cval (numpy.complex64) – complex valued amplitude used to generate spot intensity

Define Gaussian.

Parameters:sigma (float) – width of the Gaussian spot
set_xy(x, y)[source]

Set \(x\), \(y\) values of spot center.

  • x (float) – x value of spot center
  • y (float) – y value of spot center


Classes and methods used by other kspace modules.

class freud.kspace.Constraint[source]

Constraint base class.

Base class for constraints on vectors to define the API. All constraints should have a ‘radius’ defining a bounding sphere and a ‘satisfies’ method to determine whether an input vector satisfies the constraint.


Constraint test.

Parameters:v (numpy.ndarray, shape=(3), dtype= numpy.float32) – vector to test against constraint
class freud.kspace.AlignedBoxConstraint[source]

Axis-aligned Box constraint.

Tetragonal box aligned with the coordinate system. Consider using a small z dimension to serve as a plane plus or minus some epsilon. Set R < L for a cylinder


Constraint test.

Parameters:v (numpy.ndarray, shape=(3), dtype= numpy.float32) – vector to test against constraint

Generate a list of points satisfying a constraint.

  • v1 (numpy.ndarray, shape=(3), dtype= numpy.float32) – lattice vector 1 along which to test points
  • v2 (numpy.ndarray, shape=(3), dtype= numpy.float32) – lattice vector 2 along which to test points
  • v3 (numpy.ndarray, shape=(3), dtype= numpy.float32) – lattice vector 3 along which to test points
  • constraint (Constraint) – constraint object to test lattice points against

Calculate reciprocal lattice vectors.

3D reciprocal lattice vectors with magnitude equal to angular wave number.

  • a1 (numpy.ndarray, shape=(3), dtype= numpy.float32) – real space lattice vector 1
  • a2 (numpy.ndarray, shape=(3), dtype= numpy.float32) – real space lattice vector 2
  • a3 (numpy.ndarray, shape=(3), dtype= numpy.float32) – real space lattice vector 3

list of reciprocal lattice vectors

Return type:



For unit test, dot(g[i], a[j]) = 2 * pi * diracDelta(i, j)