Source code for

# Copyright (c) 2010-2018 The Regents of the University of Michigan
# This file is part of the freud project, released under the BSD 3-Clause License.

from collections import namedtuple
import numpy as np

from ._freud import Box as _Box

[docs]class Box(_Box): """The freud Box class for simulation boxes. .. moduleauthor:: Richmond Newman <> .. moduleauthor:: Carl Simon Adorf <> .. moduleauthor:: Bradley Dice <> .. versionchanged:: 0.7.0 Added box periodicity interface For more information about the definition of the simulation box, please see: :param float Lx: Length of side x :param float Ly: Length of side y :param float Lz: Length of side z :param float xy: Tilt of xy plane :param float xz: Tilt of xz plane :param float yz: Tilt of yz plane :param bool is2D: Specify that this box is 2-dimensional, default is 3-dimensional. """ def to_dict(self): return { 'Lx': self.Lx, 'Ly': self.Ly, 'Lz': self.Lz, 'xy': self.xy, 'xz': self.xz, 'yz': self.yz, 'dimensions': self.dimensions}
[docs] def to_tuple(self): """Returns the box as named tuple. :return: box parameters :rtype: namedtuple """ tuple_type = namedtuple( 'BoxTuple', ['Lx', 'Ly', 'Lz', 'xy', 'xz', 'yz']) return tuple_type(Lx=self.Lx, Ly=self.Ly, Lz=self.Lz, xy=self.xy, xz=self.xz, yz=self.yz)
[docs] def to_matrix(self): """Returns the box matrix (3x3). :return: box matrix :rtype: list of lists, shape 3x3 """ return [[self.Lx, self.xy * self.Ly, self.xz * self.Lz], [0, self.Ly, self.yz * self.Lz], [0, 0, self.Lz]]
def __str__(self): return ("{cls}(Lx={Lx}, Ly={Ly}, Lz={Lz}, xy={xy}, " "xz={xz}, yz={yz}, dimensions={dimensions})").format( cls=type(self).__name__, **self.to_dict()) def __eq__(self, other): return self.to_dict() == other.to_dict()
[docs] @classmethod def from_box(cls, box): """Initialize a box instance from another box instance.""" dimensions = getattr(box, 'dimensions', 3) return cls(Lx=box.Lx, Ly=box.Ly, Lz=box.Lz, xy=box.xy, xz=box.xz, yz=box.yz, is2D=dimensions == 2)
[docs] @classmethod def from_matrix(cls, boxMatrix, dimensions=None): """Initialize a box instance from a box matrix. For more information and the source for this code, see: """ boxMatrix = np.asarray(boxMatrix, dtype=np.float32) v0 = boxMatrix[:, 0] v1 = boxMatrix[:, 1] v2 = boxMatrix[:, 2] Lx = np.sqrt(, v0)) a2x =, v1) / Lx Ly = np.sqrt(, v1) - a2x * a2x) xy = a2x / Ly v0xv1 = np.cross(v0, v1) v0xv1mag = np.sqrt(, v0xv1)) Lz =, v0xv1) / v0xv1mag a3x =, v2) / Lx xz = a3x / Lz yz = (, v2) - a2x * a3x) / (Ly * Lz) if dimensions is None: dimensions = 2 if Lz == 0 else 3 return cls(Lx=Lx, Ly=Ly, Lz=Lz, xy=xy, xz=xz, yz=yz, is2D=dimensions == 2)
[docs] @classmethod def cube(cls, L): """Construct a cubic box with equal lengths. :param float L: The edge length """ return cls(Lx=L, Ly=L, Lz=L, xy=0, xz=0, yz=0, is2D=False)
[docs] @classmethod def square(cls, L): """Construct a 2-dimensional (square) box with equal lengths. :param float L: The edge length """ return cls(Lx=L, Ly=L, Lz=0, xy=0, xz=0, yz=0, is2D=True)
@property def L(self): """Return the lengths of the box as a tuple (x, y, z).""" return self.getL() @L.setter def L(self, value): """Set all side lengths of box to L.""" self.setL(value) @property def Lx(self): """Length of the x-dimension of the box. :getter: Returns this box's x-dimension length :setter: Sets this box's x-dimension length :type: float """ return self.getLx() @Lx.setter def Lx(self, value): self.setL([value, self.Ly, self.Lz]) @property def Ly(self): """Length of the y-dimension of the box. :getter: Returns this box's y-dimension length :setter: Sets this box's y-dimension length :type: float """ return self.getLy() @Ly.setter def Ly(self, value): self.setL([self.Lx, value, self.Lz]) @property def Lz(self): """Length of the z-dimension of the box. :getter: Returns this box's z-dimension length :setter: Sets this box's z-dimension length :type: float """ return self.getLz() @Lz.setter def Lz(self, value): self.setL([self.Lx, self.Ly, value]) @property def dimensions(self): """Number of dimensions of this box (only 2 or 3 are supported). :getter: Returns this box's number of dimensions :setter: Sets this box's number of dimensions :type: int """ return 2 if self.is2D() else 3 @dimensions.setter def dimensions(self, value): assert value == 2 or value == 3 self.set2D(value == 2) @property def periodic(self): """Box periodicity in each dimension. :getter: Returns this box's periodicity in each dimension (True if periodic, False if not) :setter: Set this box's periodicity in each dimension :type: list[bool, bool, bool] """ return self.getPeriodic() @periodic.setter def periodic(self, periodic): self.setPeriodic(periodic[0], periodic[1], periodic[2])