Box Module

Contains data structures for simulation boxes.

Simulation Box

class*args, **kwargs)[source]

The freud Box class for simulation boxes.

Module author: Richmond Newman <>

Module author: Carl Simon Adorf <>

Module author: Bradley Dice <>

Changed in version 0.7.0: Added box periodicity interface

For more information about the definition of the simulation box, please see:

  • Lx (float) – Length of side x
  • Ly (float) – Length of side y
  • Lz (float) – Length of side z
  • xy (float) – Tilt of xy plane
  • xz (float) – Tilt of xz plane
  • yz (float) – Tilt of yz plane
  • is2D (bool) – Specify that this box is 2-dimensional, default is 3-dimensional.

Return the lengths of the box as a tuple (x, y, z)


Return the inverse lengths of the box (1/Lx, 1/Ly, 1/Lz)

Returns:dimensions of the box as (1/Lx, 1/Ly, 1/Lz)
Return type:(float, float, float)

Length of the x-dimension of the box

Getter:Returns this box’s x-dimension length
Setter:Sets this box’s x-dimension length

Length of the y-dimension of the box

Getter:Returns this box’s y-dimension length
Setter:Sets this box’s y-dimension length

Length of the z-dimension of the box

Getter:Returns this box’s z-dimension length
Setter:Sets this box’s z-dimension length
classmethod cube(L)[source]

Construct a cubic box with equal lengths.

Parameters:L (float) – The edge length

Number of dimensions of this box (only 2 or 3 are supported)

Getter:Returns this box’s number of dimensions
Setter:Sets this box’s number of dimensions
classmethod from_box(box)[source]

Initialize a box instance from another box instance.

classmethod from_matrix(boxMatrix, dimensions=None)[source]

Initialize a box instance from a box matrix.

For more information and the source for this code, see:

getCoordinates(self, f)

Convert a vector of relative box coordinates (each in [0..1]) into absolute coordinates

Parameters:f (list[float, float, float]) – list[fx, fy, fz]
Returns:list[x, y, z]
Return type:list[float, float, float]

Return the lengths of the box as a tuple (x, y, z)

Returns:dimensions of the box as (x, y, z)
Return type:(float, float, float)
getLatticeVector(self, i)

Get the lattice vector with index i

Parameters:i (unsigned int) – Index (0<=i<d) of the lattice vector, where d is dimension (2 or 3)
Returns:lattice vector with index i

Return the inverse lengths of the box (1/Lx, 1/Ly, 1/Lz)

Returns:dimensions of the box as (1/Lx, 1/Ly, 1/Lz)
Return type:(float, float, float)

Length of the x-dimension of the box

Returns:This box’s x-dimension length
Return type:float

Length of the y-dimension of the box

Returns:This box’s y-dimension length
Return type:float

Length of the z-dimension of the box

Returns:This box’s z-dimension length
Return type:float

Get the box’s periodicity in each dimension

Returns:list of periodic attributes in x, y, z
Return type:list[bool, bool, bool]

Get the box periodicity in the x direction

Returns:True if periodic, False if not
Return type:bool

Get the box periodicity in the y direction

Returns:True if periodic, False if not
Return type:bool

Get the box periodicity in the z direction

Returns:True if periodic, False if not
Return type:bool

Return the tilt factor xy

Returns:xy tilt factor
Return type:float

Return the tilt factor xz

Returns:xz tilt factor
Return type:float

Return the tilt factor yz

Returns:yz tilt factor
Return type:float

Return the box volume (area in 2D)

Returns:box volume
Return type:float

Return if box is 2D (True) or 3D (False)

Returns:True if 2D, False if 3D
Return type:bool
makeCoordinates(self, f)

Convert fractional coordinates into real coordinates

Parameters:f (numpy.ndarray([x, y, z], dtype=numpy.float32)) – Fractional coordinates between 0 and 1 within parallelpipedal box
Returns:A vector inside the box corresponding to f
makeFraction(self, vec)

Convert fractional coordinates into real coordinates

Parameters:vec (numpy.ndarray([x, y, z], dtype=numpy.float32)) – Coordinates within parallelpipedal box
Returns:Fractional vector inside the box corresponding to f

Box periodicity in each dimension

Getter:Returns this box’s periodicity in each dimension (True if periodic, False if not)
Setter:Set this box’s periodicity in each dimension
Type:list[bool, bool, bool]
set2D(self, val)

Set the dimensionality to 2D (True) or 3D (False)

Parameters:val (bool) – 2D=True, 3D=False
setL(self, L)

Set all side lengths of box to L

Parameters:L (float) – Side length of box
setPeriodic(self, x, y, z)

Set the box’s periodicity in each dimension

  • x (bool) – True if periodic in x, False if not
  • y (bool) – True if periodic in y, False if not
  • z (bool) – True if periodic in z, False if not
setPeriodicX(self, val)

Set the box periodicity in the x direction

Parameters:val (bool) – True if periodic, False if not
setPeriodicY(self, val)

Set the box periodicity in the y direction

Parameters:val (bool) – True if periodic, False if not
setPeriodicZ(self, val)

Set the box periodicity in the z direction

Parameters:val (bool) – True if periodic, False if not
classmethod square(L)[source]

Construct a 2-dimensional (square) box with equal lengths.

Parameters:L (float) – The edge length

Returns the box matrix (3x3).

Returns:box matrix
Return type:list of lists, shape 3x3

Returns the box as named tuple.

Returns:box parameters
Return type:namedtuple
unwrap(self, vecs, imgs)

Wrap a given array of vectors back into the box from python

Parameters:vecs – numpy array of vectors (Nx3) (or just 3 elements) to wrap
Note:vecs returned in place (nothing returned)

Return the box volume (area in 2D)

Returns:box volume
Return type:float
wrap(self, vecs)

Wrap a given array of vectors back into the box from python

Parameters:vecs – numpy array of vectors (Nx3) (or just 3 elements) to wrap
Note:vecs returned in place (nothing returned)

Tilt factor xy of the box

Returns:xy tilt factor
Return type:float

Tilt factor xz of the box

Returns:xz tilt factor
Return type:float

Tilt factor yz of the box

Returns:yz tilt factor
Return type:float